UOC-KP criticises OCU’s transition to new calendar

A meeting of the "Synod" of the UOC-KP. Photo: cerkva.info

On 27 July 2023, the "Synod" of the UOC-KP at its meeting chaired by Filaret Denysenko sharply criticised the transition of the OCU to a new calendar, reports the press service of the Denysenko structure.

In particular, the UOC-KP said that "the hasty decision of the OCU councils to switch to the New Julian calendar in the current difficult conditions of fragmentation of Ukrainian Orthodoxy jeopardises the unification of all Orthodox jurisdictions into a single Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as it does not take into account the wishes of all Orthodox communities of Ukraine and is dictated to a greater extent by the non-church component of society".

Denysenko's followers said the transition to the new calendar "poses a threat to the preservation of Ukrainian liturgical and church traditions".

"The use of the Julian or old style, which is now in force in all Orthodox communities in Ukraine, is not a Russian church tradition, as the OCU Council of Bishops notes in its rulings because it is also used by other local Orthodox Churches, such as the Jerusalem, Georgian, Serbian, Polish, Macedonian, and all the monasteries of Mount Athos. In addition, the Julian calendar in Ukrainian history played a major role as a sign of self-identification of the Ukrainian people against attempts of forced Latinisation," the "Synod" stressed.

It "blessed" the UOC-KP congregations to continue using the Julian calendar in the future.

As reported, on 27 July 2023, the "Local Council" of the OCU approved the transition of this organisation to the new style.

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