Prayer house of UOC believers desecrated in vlg Povcha

A desecrated prayer house in Povcha. Photo: Rivne Eparchy

On 25 July in the village of Povcha, Dubno district (Rivne Eparchy), unknown persons attacked the prayer house where believers have to pray after OCU supporters took away their temple, reports the eparchy’s press service.

"Attackers smashed the windows in the house, took away candles, scattered them in the yard, overturned everything in the room, spilt an unknown liquid on the throne, stole wine, and urinated on the priest's vestments," says the message.

After the local residents who discovered the destruction called the police, the law enforcers conducted an expert examination and opened a criminal case.

The UOC believers together with the rector, Priest Andrew Stupnitsky, are now tidying up the courtyard, covering the damaged windows with plastic and plywood.

As reported, earlier in Povcha, after threats on religious grounds, an unknown person set fire to the house of a parishioner of the UOC religious community.

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