Tucker Carlson: Сlergy being jailed in Ukraine is a barbaric thing

American journalist Tucker Carlson. Photo: a screenshot of Tucker Carlson's YouTube channel video

Former FoxNews anchor journalist Tucker Carlson told the American public during his speech in Florida that in Ukraine clergymen are handcuffed and thrown in jail, monasteries are raided and priests are kicked out. A video of the speech was published by Carlson's YouTube channel.

According to him, such methods of fighting Christianity are barbarous.

"On one level you think, well, it’s not my country. You know they do all kinds of barbaric things around the world. You can’t be upset about all of them…. On the other hand, if I’m paying for it…. I think it's quite fair to ask like what is that throwing priests in jail?" Carlson wondered.

The journalist also believes that in Ukraine, freedom of religion and freedom of speech work only as long as a person respects the permitted boundaries.

"You have religious freedom or freedom of speech or freedom of assembly as long as you stay within the lines. But if you expressed an unapproved view, you go to jail. That's freedom, isn’t it? You do exactly what I tell you to do or else I imprison. Is that the freedom that you recognise? No, it's insane!" he added.

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