City Council: Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa may collapse

The Transfiguration Cathedral of the UOC in Odesa. Photo:

In the Transfiguration Cathedral of the UOC in Odesa, there may be a sudden uncontrollable collapse of the wall, reports the Telegram channel of the Odesa City Council.

There noted that the cause of the collapse may be the unstable position of one of the walls, formed after the hit of a Russian missile.

The City Council also said that the dismantling of the emergency-dangerous section of the wall should begin as soon as possible.

"We need the help of clergymen to work with parishioners. People are coming with an open heart, but we need to realise that there are emergency sections that can pose a threat. Therefore, we will work together, following all procedures," said the mayor of Odesa Gennady Trukhanov.

As reported, the UOC cathedral was destroyed over a missile strike on Odesa.

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