Media: Archdiocese of America outraged at being ruled by Turkish citizens

Bishops of the Phanar Archdiocese of America. Photo:

The decisions of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople regarding the change of the Statute of the Archdiocese of America, the prohibition of Metropolitan Methodius of Boston and the removal of Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey, caused discontent within the Archdiocese, reports the resource

According to the outlet, the "the glass of rage" was overflowed with "the expressed intention to change the Statute of the Archdiocese".

Rentapostagma writes that “there are many who openly state in private discussions that "it is not possible for two Turkish citizens (Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Elpidophoros – Ed.) to rule the Greek community". 

As reported earlier, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate suspended the Statute of its Archdiocese in the United States.

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