His Beatitude expresses condolences over Odesa shelling

The Odesa Cathedral of the UOC. Photo: t.me/postnoemenypalchuk

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry expressed condolences to the clergy, believers, and all residents of Odesa over the Russian nighttime attack on the city, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry expressed condolences in connection with the Russian shelling of Odesa on the night of July 23, which resulted in casualties and the destruction of the city's cathedral.

"With deep sorrow, we received news of another hostile attack on the city of Odesa, which resulted in the destruction of the Transfiguration Cathedral, residential buildings, and other structures," His Beatitude wrote in his address to Metropolitan Agafangel, all Orthodox Christians of the Odesa Eparchy and the city’s residents.

He noted that "the particular pain is that people lost their lives again tonight, with many others being injured and hospitalized."

"Please accept my heartfelt condolences in connection with this great tragedy," said the Primate of the UOC.

He reminded that Metropolitan Agafangel "together with the clergy and believers of Odesa, put a lot of effort and health to restore the Transfiguration Cathedral in all its beauty".

"I empathize with you, your flock, and all those who cherish this masterpiece of Christian temple architecture, which holds a special place among the monuments of the All-Ukrainian cultural heritage," His Beatitude wrote to Metropolitan Agafangel.

The Primate stated, "Anyone who targets the sky ultimately hits themselves," and called on all Orthodox Christians for "patience and fervent prayer".

"Let us subdue our anger, preventing it from turning into blind hatred. Let us not forget that, no matter how terrible this age may be, Divine Love, which is beyond the power of lies and violence to destroy, will ultimately prevail," he stressed.

"Sharing together with Your Eminence and the people of Odesa the grief caused by the misfortune that befell the city, I offer prayers to the Merciful Creator for the repose of the deceased, for the healing of the injured, and for granting you strength to cope with the trials that have befallen you," concluded His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

As reported, the UOC's Cathedral of Odesa was destroyed by a missile strike.

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