UOC Transfiguration Сathedral destroyed over missile attack in Odesa

Destroyed Transfiguration Cathedral in Odessa. Photo: Protodeacon Andrei Palchuk

On the night of 23 July 2023, the Transfiguration Cathedral of the UOC in Odesa was almost destroyed due to a missile attack by the Russian Federation, reports the Telegram channel of the City Council.

As reported in the Odessa Eparchy, the missile hit right in the altar of the cathedral. This part of the building is completely destroyed. The rest of the temple was badly damaged. It is still unclear whether the whole cathedral can be restored.

Rescue services have taken out of the cathedral the Kasper Icon of the Virgin Mary. Outwardly, it is intact but covered with construction debris.

Ukrainian MP Artem Dmytruk said that all the shrines of the cathedral were intact and the people who were present during the impact survived.

As earlier reported, St. Nicholas Church of the UOC suffered from shelling in Odesa.


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