ROC patriarch says if one can take communion where he is not commemorated

Patriarch Kirill. Photo: patriarchy. RU

On July 19, 2023, in a report at the Bishops’ Conference, Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church stated that “in a number of dioceses and parishes in those territories where states put pressure on the Church, the commemoration of the name of the Patriarch, provided for by the canons, has ceased.” The report was published on the website of the Moscow Patriarchy.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church stated that “the cessation of such a commemoration is an open door to backsliding into schism”, “the clergy have the right not to fulfill the lawless demands to refuse to commemorate the patriarch, and the laity rightfully expect their clergy to make such a commemoration and preserve the unity of the Church.”

According to him, the patriarchate receives letters with a “painful question” whether it is possible to receive communion in churches where the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is not commemorated.

Patriarch Kirill stated that the sacraments of bishops and priests, who "do not keep this canonical order without any scruples, remain valid."

At the same time, he considers it “fair” “not to accept words that reject church unity and are directed against it, which, unfortunately, can be heard from certain clergymen.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Patriarch Kirill deplored the "insufficiently pronounced" unity of the ROC.

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