Cherkasy bishop: Our clerics persuaded UOC will no longer exist in 2 months

Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv. Photo: a video screenshot of the YouTube channel "Cherkasky Blahovisnyk"

Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv told in his video message that the special services are trying to convince priests in Cherkasy that in two months there will be no UOC in Ukraine and suggest that they switch to the OCU.

The video message was published on the YouTube channel "Cherkasky Blahovisnyk".

"Now, there are individuals wandering around Cherkasy who have direct connections, on one hand, with the OCU, and on the other hand, with the security services. They are talking to our priests, telling them that in two months our Church in Ukraine will no longer exist. Therefore, "get ready, think about where you will go, but you must go with the parishioners". Why? Because if there are no parishioners, there will be no one to maintain the churches they plan to seize. There will be no one to pay for utilities. This is the primitive and mercantile understanding these people have about the Church. The parishioners will never join you! You see people as a source of your wealth. But you do not realise that if you take over our churches, you will not gain prosperity. People will still remain in the Church and with their priests. With those priests who will go to houses, flats, attics and basements," said Metropolitan Theodosy.

The bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) called on the believers to support their pastors amidst persecution.

"Taking this opportunity, I want to address our parishioners. If we have to endure such conditions of Church life in our country, continue to love your priests, and do not forget to support them, including financially. Take care of your pastors. Those who are going around and saying that our Church will not exist are not putting themselves in the shoes of the same persecutors who have been saying this for 2000 years. Many have wanted and will continue to want to destroy us. But 'I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it' (Matthew 16:18)," he concluded.

As reported, the UOC hierarch urged not to judge strictly those persecuted.

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