Carlson: Zelensky govt arresting priests is an attack on religious liberty

Tucker Carlson and Mike Pence. Photo: a screenshot of the YouTube channel BlazeTV

American journalist Tucker Carlson in a conversation with former US Vice President Mike Pence pointed out that Zelensky is in fact engaged in repression of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The latter replied that he had met with Epiphany, and Dumenko assured him that there was no persecution of the UOC.

Carlson's talk with Pence took place on 14 July 2023 at the first presidential forum of the 2024 Republican primary season, hosted by Tucker Carlson. The forum was presented on YouTube by BlazeTV.

Tucker Carlson, commenting on Pence's recent trip to Ukraine, asked if the politician touched on the topic of UOC persecution in his conversation with Zelensky.

"The Zelensky government has raided convents, arrested priests and, in fact, banned a Christian denomination – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – within Ukraine. Have you raised that with him (Zelensky)?" asked Tucker Carlson.

Mike Pence replied that he had communicated with Epiphany Dumenko on this issue, and the latter assured Pence that there was no persecution of the UOC in Ukraine.

"I asked him (Dumenko – Ed.) about concerns, about religious liberty in Ukraine, and he assured me that the Zelensky government in Ukraine was respecting religious freedoms, even, well, recognizing there were very small elements of the Russian Orthodox Church that were being utilized for the purpose of advancing the 'Russian course' in Ukraine and they were taking steps to hold them to account," the US politician referred to his conversation with Epifany Dumenko.

Mike Pence added that Dumenko "at St Michael's in Kyiv told me personally that he believed that the Zelensky government was respecting religious liberty. In my mind, other than the sanctity of life, there is no higher priority in my life than preserving the freedom of religion in America and championing religious liberty around the world."

In response, Tucker Carlson expressed disbelief at the words of Epiphany Dumenko.

"I am confused about this question as it is very clear that the Zelensky government has arrested priests for having views that they disagree with, which is not respecting religious liberty but rather an attack on it. And we (America) are funding it…. I don't want to be disrespectful at all, but I sincerely wonder how a Christian leader can support the arrest of Christians for having different views," Carlson said.

Mike Pence repeated that Dumenko described the church situation in Ukraine in just such a way.

"I asked a Christian leader in Kyiv if that was in fact happening, and he assured me that it was not. That people are not being persecuted for their religious beliefs," Pence said.

Carlson was not satisfied with Pence's response.

"I would think you would have greater concern for religious liberty in Ukraine. You only spoke to one person who is clearly on one side of that, and there are very many news reports that undoubtedly show that many clergy have been arrested in Ukraine. I merely say I may not agree with their views, I’m not a Russian Orthodox but you can't arrest clergy for having different views! Because you do violate the basic principles (of religious freedom - Ed.)," said Tucker Carlson.

Earlier the UOJ wrote that Tucker Carlson in a programme on Fox News channel called the actions of the Ukrainian authorities towards the UOC "genuinely shameful".

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