Novinsky: Met Pavel case is an order from authorities to intimidate Church

Metropolitan Pavel in the courtroom. Photo: UOJ

The ex-MP and protodeacon of the UOC Vadim Novinsky said on Facebook that the case against the abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel, is a political order, organised to intimidate the hierarchs of the UOC, the Lavra brethren and all believers.

In his view, the bail amount of 33.3 million hryvnias is absurd.

"Think about this figure. Caught on a bribe Chairman of the Ternopil Regional Council Mykhailo Holovko bailed 805 thousand UAH and returned to duty. MP Serhiy Alekseev, who was also caught on a bribe, posted bail in the amount of UAH 2.2m on 4 July. But a different measure was applied to the Metropolitan. Holovko and Alekseev are part of the system, they are "inside men". They are accused of corrupt practices, to which our authorities are more than tolerant. The Vladyka Pavel case is of a different kind. It is an attempt to arrange a trial over the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to organise a show trial to intimidate other representatives of the clergy, monks of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and laymen," Novinsky wrote.

He believes that "the authorities have long ago set a course to destroy the Church, to eradicate true Orthodoxy, and therefore will arrange legal shows, levelling the very concepts of 'justice', 'legality', 'fairness'."

"Madmen do not understand that God's judgement does not suppose bails, and the Court of history often turns even majestic monarchs and dictators into ashes," concluded Vadim Novinsky.

As reported, the court sent the Lavra abbot behind bars.

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