Greek priest: the head of Phanar is to blame for the crisis of Orthodoxy

Assembly of Primates in Chambesy. Photo:

Cleric of the Orthodox Church of Greece, priest and theologian Anastasios Gottsopoulos believes that Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople is to blame for the crisis in Orthodoxy.

The Romfea edition published the work of the Priest Anastasios Gottsopoulos, in which he spoke about the position of Patriarch Bartholomew during the preparations for the Cretan Council of 2016.

Then, Father Anastasios says, Patriarch Bartholomew clearly stated that only the UOC is the canonical Church of Ukraine, and only Metropolitan Onuphry can be considered its Primate.

Shortly after the Council in Crete, the head of the Phanar completely changed his point of view, not only recognizing the Ukrainian schismatics, but also removing the anathema from Mikhail Denisenko.

Precisely for this reason, Father Anastasios believes, “reading with due attention the opinions of the Primates (at the pre-Council meeting in Chambesy – Ed.), everyone can draw their own conclusions about who bears, if not exceptional, then at least the main responsibility before God, universal Orthodoxy and History for a dire crisis in Orthodox relations and the collapse of pan-Orthodox unity.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to Patriarch Bartholomew, any attempt to question the Tomos of the OCU introduces a new ecclesiology.

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