Ternopil Regional Council backs deputy who sang about bullet for Muscovite

Bohdan Yatsikovsky receives a “blessed letter” from the “archbishop” of the OCU Nestor Pysyk. Photo: Facebook

On September 25, 2020, at a regular session of the Ternopil Regional Council, it was decided by 34 votes to support the regional council deputy Bohdan Yatsikovsky, who sang a song about a bullet for a Muscovite on the porch of the OCU church, reports the local edition “Ternopoliany’.

The people's representatives decided to send an appeal to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to prevent the political persecution of opposition politicians.

The text says that people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Renat Kuzmin fabricated "speculations" against Yatsikovsky, with the help of which "political pressure" is exerted on him.

In particular, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv ordered the national police "to start an investigation into the incitement of ethnic enmity and hatred by Yatsikovsky towards citizens who consider themselves Russian and Jewish national minorities".

However, the Ternopil Regional Council does not see "any infringement of the constitutional rights and freedoms of national minorities" or incitement of ethnic hatred.

The deputies assure that their colleague Bohdan Yatsikovsky "faithfully" serves the society, "regardless of nationality, confessional or social affiliation".

In this regard, the Ternopil Regional Council requires the Prosecutor General to “stop investigative actions” against Yatsikovsky. Otherwise, the deputies threatened that they would consider the investigation as "political persecution of an opposition politician".

In turn, Yatsikovsky thanked "all opposition politicians-deputies" for supporting him "at a difficult moment".

According to him, "this is a tangible fraternal step towards unity in resolving difficult issues" and "a powerful response to Renat Kuzmin and other pro-Moscow henchmen who are trying to destabilize the situation in the Ternopil region".

"Now everyone can be assured: the fifth column will not pass here!" Yatsikovsky said.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Ternopil deputy called on the Jews to be hanged near the church taken from the UOC.

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