British media report approximately 50,000 LGBT+ soldiers serving in AFU

A campaign in support of LGBT+ soldiers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Photo:

Around 50,000 people with non-traditional sexual orientations serve in the AFU, reports the British resource “The Telegraph”, citing data from the Ukrainian organization "Military LGBTQ+".

The publication noted that Ukrainian LGBT+ soldiers hope for the legalization of same-sex marriage in the country, as well as for the recognition of their contribution during the war.

Some Ukrainian military personnel have already commented on the statistics regarding "fighting" LGBT+ warriors, stating that there is no such thing in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"LGBT+ activists and soldiers have not been identified on the front lines," the military said in a statement published by the YouTube channel Koshelnil_TV.

"I have never known any LGBT+ soldiers, and I am unlikely to meet any. The only gays we are fighting against wear Russian uniforms. There are not 50,000 of them," said a soldier with the call sign "Zalizniak".

"I have never seen any LGBT+ individuals either on the front lines or near the front lines. I think these are absurd discussions," added the soldier "Bessmertny" ("Immortal").

As previously reported, a bill on the registration of same-sex partnerships was introduced to the Ukrainian Parliament.

The UOJ also reported that a woman from Kyiv married a gay man from the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a sign of support for LGBT+ marriages.

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