Hasidim stuck on the border sing the anthem of Ukraine in national costumes

Hasidim on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. Photo: kp.ua

The Hasidim, who are prohibited from entering Ukraine due to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to close the borders, disguised themselves as Cossacks and sang the Ukrainian national anthem. The corresponding video was posted on his Facebook page by the head of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, Eduard Dolinsky.

“In the struggle for the right to get to Uman, the Hasidim, who are stuck on the border of Belarus and Ukraine, are performing the anthem of Ukraine in national costumes,” Dolinsky signed the video.

After singing the anthem, the Hasidim chorus cried out, “Glory to Ukraine! Thank you, Ukraine! Thank you, President Zelensky!"

Recall that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, in order to combat the spread of coronavirus, introduced restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens and stateless persons into the country till September 29. Despite the official ban, a large number of Hasidim are trying to get to Ukraine from Belarus. On September 17, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine confirmed that they would not make an exception for Hasidim and open borders for them, calling on pilgrims to return to their countries of residence.

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