Famous priest-Orthodox publicist tragically dies in Crimea

Priest Alexander Shumsky was 66 years old. Photo: Nikola-khamovniki.ru

On September 16, Alexander Shumsky, priest of the St. Nicholas temple in Khamovniki (Moscow), Orthodox writer and publicist, tragically died in Crimea. The death of the priest was reported on the website of the church Nikola-khamovniki.ru.

“The rector, clerics and parishioners express their sincere condolences to the wife and family of the newly reposed Fr. Alexander and pray for the repose of the deceased in the holy places. The place and time of the funeral service for Fr. Alexandra will be announced later,” the message says.

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Priest Alexander, together with his family, went to worship the footprint of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Chersonesos. Descending the steps of the cliff, the priest, along with his seven-year-old grandson, fell from a height of 5 meters. The priest died on the spot from his injuries, the boy was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state.

Priest Alexander Shumsky was born on May 25, 1954 in Moscow. He graduated from the History Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, taught history at school, defended his Ph.D. thesis in pedagogy. He received theological education at the Moscow Theological Seminary. He was ordained priest on December 19, 2005. He taught at the Sretenskaya Theological Seminary, was a member of the Writers' Union of Russia and the author of over two hundred articles and essays. Together with his wife, he raised eight children.

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