Zelensky introduces bill to abolish Christmas on 7 January

Zelensky will no longer congratulate Ukrainians on 7 January. Photo: President’s website

On 28 June 2023, Volodymyr Zelensky registered Bill 9431, which envisages cancelling the celebration of Christmas on 7 January in Ukraine, as well as postponing the dates of Statehood Day and Defenders’ Day, which coincide with the Orthodox holidays of the Baptism of Rus' and the Intercession of the Virgin Mary.

The explanatory note says that "the purpose of the bill is to reject the Russian legacy of imposing Christmas on 7 January and to set the date for celebrating Christmas on 25 December".

Zelensky recalled that the OCU "on May 24, 2023, at the Council of Bishops approved a full transition from 1 September 2023 to the new – New Julian calendar, which is used by most Orthodox Churches in the world and which, in particular, provides for the celebration of Christmas on December 25 and not January 7".

As a consequence, "the dates for celebrating the Day of Ukrainian Statehood (from July 28 to July 15), which honours the memory of St. Volodymyr the Great, an outstanding statesman, and the Day of Defenders of Ukraine (from October 14 to October 1), which is associated with the Ukrainian military tradition of celebrating the Day of the Protection of the Holy Virgin.

The draft law envisions cancelling days off on January 7, July 28 and October 14. In addition to 25 December, it is proposed to make 15 July and 1 October days off.

As reported, according to Yelensky, after the OCU switches to the new calendar, state holidays should be moved.

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