Social networks: Ukrainian schoolchildren offered to read pagan spells

Illustration from the textbook. Photo:

Ukrainian children, who are baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, are offered to recite pagan incantations to demons in the classroom. The priest of the UOC, Archpriest Alexander Ovcharenko, wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

This is a textbook on Ukrainian literature for the fifth grade, in which, in the section “Myths and Legends of Ancient Ukrainians”, children are invited to read the “prayer” with which “ancient Ukrainians” addressed the pagan Dazhbog.

“Ukrainian children, who are baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, redeemed by the Sacrifice of the Cross, are offered to pray, or rather to recite an incantation to demons. Why does nationalism necessarily slide into neo-paganism and through it into demonism? A rhetorical question," Father Alexander noted.

Ukrainians are also wondering where the text of the pagan spell together with the "picture with a dummy" given in the textbook came from.

“No images of the East Slavic pagan gods have survived – they were made of wood. We do not know any spells either: there was no written language at that time, except that ethnography allows restoring something, but this is very rough," said Telegram user Pavel Volkov.

As reported by the UOJ, an organization of adherents of the RUN-faith received permission to build a neo-pagan "temple" in Lutsk.

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