Svoboda: UOC arranged the detention of Holovko

Holovko at the "checkup" in the Pochaiv Lavra. Photo: Holovko’s Facebook

The head of the Ternopil Regional Council Mykhailo Holovko, who was detained by NABU for bribes and financial fraud, takes a patriotic and principled position, and his arrest could have been staged by the UOC, the Svoboda party said on its Facebook page.

Holovko's fellow party members wrote that the representatives of Svoboda had always been extremely intolerant of corruption and were persecuted for this. According to the authors of the publication, Holovko received threats “from aggressive supporters of the Moscow Patriarchate because of his active position regarding the ban on the activities of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine and the transfer of the Pochaiv Lavra from the hands of the Moscow Patriarchate to the balance of the Ternopil territorial community.”

Svoboda associates the detention of Holovko precisely with his anti-church activities.

The comments ridiculed the statement by Svoboda.

“Cool position .. bravo,” writes Nikolai Klevchuk. “So did he extort money or not?”

“Yes, he did. But he extorted it PATRIOTICALLY. Perhaps he sang the anthem of Ukraine,” Andriy Roman answered Klevchuk.

“Well, a saint of a man like Jesus. Do not make a saint out of a criminal,” writes Tanya Dragan.

“I keep wondering where all the Svobodovites get such income from,” Daria Yakubovich asks.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the head of the Ternopil Regional Council, who promised to expel the UOC, was detained for bribe-taking.

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