RF says relics of the venerables were taken from the Lavra to the West

The relics of the Venerable Fathers of the Caves. Photo: website of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

On June 26, 2023, information appeared in the Russian media that the relics of the Holy Fathers of the Caves, as well as Christian values, were being taken out of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. This, in particular, was stated by TASS with reference to the head of the RF foreign intelligence.

“According to the SVR, an agreement has been reached between the Kyiv authorities and representatives of UNESCO on the removal of Christian valuables, including holy relics, from the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and their subsequent transfer to the museums of Italy, France, Germany and the Vatican under the pretext of ‘rescuing from Russian missile strikes’," says the text.

It is reported that allegedly "financial resources have already been allocated for the transportation of goods to Europe, vehicles have been prepared, some of which are equipped with refrigeration units."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to the head of the State Ethnopolitics Viktor Yelensky, the caves of the Lavra will be reconstructed.

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