TSN, LB, and other media slander UOC believers in Krasyliv

Believers of the UOC shout "shame" to the activist who came to take away the church from them. Photo: TSN video screenshot

On June 24, 2023, TSN, LB, RISU and other Ukrainian media published a lie about the Resurrection community of the UOC in Krasilov, which is protecting its church from the raid organized by OCU activists.

In particular, TSN wrote that on June 23, the deceased military Ivan Kushniruk was buried in the Resurrection Church, and believers shouted insults at his relatives and colleagues: “When the military and relatives left the temple after a memorial service for the deceased Hero, supporters of the Russian church arranged for them a ‘corridor of shame’. They angrily shouted, ‘Shame’, ‘We do not want the OCU’, ‘Heroes in quotation marks serve the horned Satan’.”

The UOJ asked the rector of the Resurrection Church, Archpriest Vitaly Dunets, to comment on the situation. He called this information absolutely false.

“Ivan Kushniruk was buried not in our church, but in the OCU’s. There was no funeral service on this day in our church. Believers really shouted ‘shame’. But it was addressed not to the military, but to local activist Natalya Vishnevska, who took part in the forceful seizure attempt. She asked the military to take her out of the territory of the temple, as she allegedly feared the aggression of our believers. But people shouted ‘shame’ not to the military, but to her,” the priest said and added that the parishioners also shouted “shame” to other members of the “commission” that came to take away the Resurrection Church.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the believers of the UOC in Krasyliv defended the Resurrection Church from the OCU raiders.

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