Zelensky: Ukrainians don’t care if President is Jewish, Christian or Muslim

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky. Photo: jpost.com

The Ukrainian people do not care who their president is - a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with the Israeli edition “The Jerusalem Post”.

“I have never been targeted by anti-Semitic remarks, either during the campaign or since I have been elected president,” Zelensky said, when asked about the reaction of ordinary Ukrainians to his Jewish roots. “Ukrainian people do not care whether their President is Jewish, Christian or Muslim, as long as he defends the interests of the Ukrainian people.”

According to him, there is no acute problem of anti-Semitism in Ukraine. Regarding the recent anti-Semitic attacks against Hassidic Jews who arrived in Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, Zelensky assured that not a single case remains unanswered.

“We strongly condemn anti-Semitic attacks of any kind. Antisemitism is a poison that has no place in Ukraine. We are working very closely with the local authorities and the representatives of the Jewish community in Ukraine and in Uman to protect the pilgrims. We respond to every antisemitic aggression.”

As reported, at the opening of the II Kyiv Jewish Forum, the President of Ukraine said that "Ukraine has always been an open country that respects all faiths".

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