ROC hierarch: As we conquer Ukraine, we will take away UOC eparchies

ROC hierarch: As we conquer Ukraine, we will take away UOC eparchies

The Russian Orthodox Church should annex the dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the territories of Ukraine conquered by the Russian army, Metropolitan Leonid (Gorbachev) of Klin, Exarch for Africa, said in an interview with the Russian resource.

“As the territory of Ukraine is liberated from the Nazi regime, it is necessary to accept the related eparchies, to consider the advisability of their separation or, conversely, unification and direct subordination to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. I see no other solution,” said the hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.

He is convinced that "there is no other way out", since "there should not be any Feofaniya – these are direct prerequisites for a split."

He accused the hierarchy of the UOC of "separatism", the soil of which "was ripening under various sauces." “When the opportunity presented itself to get out from under the wing of Moscow, they did it,” says Gorbachev.

During the interview, the journalist claims that the Russian Orthodox Church calls Metropolitan Leonid ‘churchly Prigozhin’, to which the hierarch himself says that he does not agree with such a definition, since he considers himself simply an “advocate of justice.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to Metropolitan Leonid, when the Russian army conquers Ukraine, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church will expel the hierarchy of the UOC. “One thing pleases – when Kievan Rus is liberated, you won't be there either. You will deal with your ‘Mr. President’ in another place," the hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church said.

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