Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to protect Hasidic pilgrims in Uman

The authorities will ensure the rights and freedoms of the Hasidim in Uman. Photo:

Deputy Foreign Minister Eugene Enin promised that the Ukrainian authorities will ensure the rights, freedoms and maximum safety of Hasidic pilgrims who arrived in Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah.

The official announced this on his Facebook page after meeting with ambassadors and representatives of the embassies of Israel, the United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Hungary.

According to him, "despite the difficult global epidemic situation, Ukraine is concerned about ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, including religious ones."

The official assured that "the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is doing everything to ensure respect for religious feelings and decent conditions for the stay of pilgrims who have now arrived in our country to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, as well as maximum safety of all citizens in the face of a worsening epidemic situation in Ukraine."

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs counts on the understanding and support of all our international partners, citizens and subjects who make the pilgrimage, and on maximum coordination and cooperation from the relevant Ukrainian departments and Jewish communities around the world,” Eugene Enin added.

As reported earlier, six Hasidim were diagnosed with COVID-19 in Uman.

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