Six Hasidim diagnosed with COVID-19 in Uman

Hasidim in Uman. Photo:

Six Hasidim, who had earlier arrived in Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, were diagnosed with COVID-19 by doctors, the PavlovskyNEWS Telegram channel reports.

It is unknown where the patients will be directed, as the number of patients in the city hospital intended for this category is over the legal limit now.

Mayor Alexander Tsebriy called on pilgrims to be tested for coronavirus in private clinics at their own expense. According to the channel, "there are no problems so far” with the fulfillment of this requirement.

Tsebriy said that the city authorities are taking all measures to keep the situation "under control" and maintain the peace of the citizens.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that Ukraine had officially restricted the Hasidic pilgrimage to Uman.

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