UOC Primate urges to help victims of Kakhovka HPP blowout

His Beatitude Onuphry. Photo: news.church.ua

On June 11, during a sermon at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry called upon the flock to pray and help all those affected by the dam break at the Kakhovka HPP, reports news.church.ua.

The Archpastor noted that there were casualties from the dam break, many people were injured, left homeless, with no clothes, food or drinking water.

"The tragedy is great... I want to express my sympathy to those people who have suffered as a result of this tragedy, who have been left homeless. To those who died, may the Lord forgive their sins and rest their souls in the houses of the righteous. And may the Lord protect, help and strengthen those who are left alive. With God's help, we shall endure everything," His Beatitude stressed.

Metropolitan Onuphry urged to intensify prayers for all the victims and help them financially.

"I am announcing the fundraising from all our eparchies. Whoever can, let them donate, and we will pass it on to the people and support them. Once again, I ask you to pray for the victims," His Beatitude added.

As reported, the Primate of the UOC led a service at the Kyiv Caves Lavra on the eve of All Saints Week.


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