Elon Musk says he successfully implanted the chip into the brain

Inventor and billionaire Elon Musk. Photo: Neuralink YouTube video screenshot

American inventor and billionaire Elon Musk said his company Neuralink had successfully implanted an electronic device into the brain. The technology has been demonstrated on animals, but the chips are planned to be implanted in humans to treat diseases, the developer said at the company’s press conference.

Neuralink workers implanted a wireless neural interface into the brains of two pigs and then removed it.

According to Musk, the device is now smaller than a coin, so it can be completely hidden during implantation, and the person with the chip in his head will feel and look completely normal.

“In the described experiments, there is a shadow of something which, when out of control, can become demonic,” Bishop Savva (Tutunov) said about the development in his Telegram channel. The hierarch believes that such inventions lurk the risk of dehumanization, because Musk is an atheist.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the ROC Synod recalled the potential dangers associated with information technology.

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