Authorities seize the temple from Marfo-Mariinsky Sisterhood in Cherkasy

Cherkasy sisters of mercy. Photo:

In the Cherkasy city hospital No. 1, the temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Vsezaritsa" was closed, under which the department of the Martha and Mary Sisterhood of Mercy operated. This was announced by the Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv.

“The Orthodox community, together with the rector, was expelled from the 1st city hospital of Cherkasy,” said the bishop. “The temple, which was built for 20 years in this hospital by believers, was closed. The lease just wasn't renewed. And they expelled not simply a parish – they expelled the Cherkasy branch of the Marfo-Mariinsky Sisterhood of Mercy. These are more than 20 sisters of mercy who devote their every day to serving their neighbors and providing them with material, social, charitable and spiritual assistance.”

The Metropolitan noted that the ascetic activity of the Cherkasy sisters of mercy is known not only in the city but also throughout Ukraine.

“These women commit themselves to the service for the sake of their neighbors – in hospitals, among refugees – with spiritual preaching, dressing wounds, feeding several hundred people free hot meals near the cathedral in Cherkasy weekly. All Cherkasy probably know about the sisters of mercy, who were simply taken and thrown out of their temple, and the temple was closed,” the bishop emphasized.

As the UOJ reported, the Chernivtsi City Council demanded that the UOC community vacate the temple in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, which the believers built on the territory of the central city hospital.

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