SBU hands suspicion to Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch

Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch. Photo: a screenshot of the “1Kozak” YouTube channel.

On 1 June 2023, the SBU handed over the suspicion to Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch and Korosten. The UOC bishop is suspected of inciting interfaith discord, reports the SBU press service.

The SBU said that a suspicion note was also handed to the secretary of the Ovruch Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

According to the investigation, Metropolitan Vissarion "personally prepared texts of pro-Kremlin leaflets and brochures" with a total circulation of 50,000 copies. Later, the secretary of the eparchy distributed these materials among the faithful of the religious community, the SBU added.

"In these 'prop leaflets' he offended the religious feelings of Ukrainians, humiliated the views of believers of other confessions and tried to form hostile attitudes towards them. <...> Based on the conclusions of expert examinations and collected evidence, both perpetrators were informed about the suspicion under Part 2 of Article 28 and Part 2 of Article 161," the agency noted.

The article provides for a fine of five hundred to one thousand untaxed minimum incomes of citizens or imprisonment of two to five years.

As reported, law enforcers announced suspicion against Metropolitan Longin of Bancheni.

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