OP head shares a song about pagan gods on social networks

Screenshot of Yarmak Music YouTube channel

Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak shared on his Telegram channel a song by rapper Alexander Yarmak “RAGNAROK”, which means “Twilight of the Gods” in Old Norse. Yermak accompanied the link to the song with a short comment: "Very strong."

The song mentions: Ares (the god of war in ancient Greek mythology), Perun (the god of thunder in Slavic mythology), Baal (the fertilizing god in Semitic mythology).

The text is written on behalf of a warrior who is going into battle: “I am the son of the elements, an unkilled brahmin, I am a wolf, I am an oak, I am an ancient malachite, for a warrior passes where a jester dies. Yes, it's too early for us to go to Asgard, since Baal wanders around the earthly temple. In the name of the Light, in the name of the clan, open the gates.”

The prophecy about Ragnarok, according to Scandinavian mythology, was uttered by the dead seeress Velva, whom Odin summoned from the grave for a while specifically for this.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Azov celebrated the “Day of the Dead”, where the dead soldiers were sent to Valhalla.

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