Poltava regional council "fails" vote to terminate contracts with UOC

The Poltava Regional Council. Photo: poltava.to

The Poltava regional council "failed" the vote for the termination of lease agreements with the UOC, initiated by the European Solidarity and Dovira (Trust) parties, reports “Kolo”.

An MP of the regional council from the Batkivshchyna (Fatherland) party, Mykola Koretskyy, who did not support the termination of the contracts, said that there is no Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine. Koretskyy also asked his colleagues to pray and ask the Lord to open their eyes before the vote.

"Do we really need more war on Ukrainian territory? <...> Those who will vote to take land away from the UOC should know what they are aiming at. Those who will vote "for" should understand that according to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of 03.03.2022, after the termination of the lease, the tenant must return the land in the condition in which it was. Whoever votes for taking the land away will vote for taking these churches apart," he said.

As reported, the Poltava Regional Council did not support the ban on the UOC in Ukraine.

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