UOC priests deliver equipment to a Dnipro clinic to treat wounded soldiers

Wounded soldiers will be treated and rehabilitated in Dnipro with equipment delivered by UOC priests. Photo: news.church.ua

With the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine, priests of the Kyiv Eparchy of the UOC brought to Ukraine medical equipment for treatment and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers from Germany, reports the UOC Information and Education Department of the UOC.

The medical equipment will be used in the clinic of the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Disability Problems in Dnipro.

The equipment has been collected with support from volunteers and kind-hearted people living in Germany. It was delivered from the German city of Coburg by the Head of the Kyiv Eparchy’s Department for Family Affairs and the medical chaplain, Archpriest Alex Godun, in cooperation with the Deputy Head of the UOC Military Department, Archpriest Vyacheslav Yakovenko, military chaplains and volunteers. The humanitarian mission was carried out with the assistance of the Social-Humanitarian Department of the UOC and the Hetman Petro Kalnyshevsky Foundation for the Support of the Defenders of Ukraine.

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