Metropolitan of Morphou: Decisions of UOC Council in Feofania are canonical

Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou. Photo: UOJ

In an interview with the UOJ, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou of the Cypriot Church said that he considers the decisions of the UOC Council in Feofania to be in line with the canons of the Church.

“The decision regarding the chrism is the right one, and in my opinion, even somewhat belated. Onuphry and his Synod could have made it earlier. And they had to make this decision even before the start of the war,” said Metropolitan Neophyte.

In his opinion, the Churches can take chrism from some historical center: Jerusalem, Antioch, or Constantinople. But this tradition is only a tribute to them.

“If someday the Cypriot Church makes such a decision, it will be able to boil myrrh itself, as, for example, it itself celebrates the Divine Liturgy. It's canonical. But there are reasons for special reverence and respect when you take the chrism from some historical center, such as from Constantinople or Jerusalem – the Mother of Churches,” the bishop said.

According to him, the decisions of the Council of the UOC regarding the formula for commemoration of the patriarch, as well as the opening of foreign parishes, are also canonical. At the same time, Metropolitan Neophytos considers the practice of having several Local Churches represented on the same territory negative.

“For example, if Russians or Ukrainians come to Cyprus. What, will they organize their Russian or Ukrainian Church here? No. They must submit to the Orthodox Church of Cyprus. What will happen if Russians come here and want to make their Russian Church here, Americans – American, Serbs – Serbian, Bulgarians – Bulgarian? You can not do it like that. It is forbidden,” said the Metropolitan of Morphou.

According to him, this problem should be addressed by the future Ecumenical Council.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to Metropolitan Neophytos, today Metropolitan Onuphry bespeaks the truth in Ukraine.

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