MIA to impose restrictions to reduce the number of Hasidim pilgrims in Uman

Arsen Avakov. Photo: 112.ua

Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said that during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah in Uman, technical restrictions will be introduced to reduce the number of Hasidic pilgrims, reports the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the minister, the issue of cancelling the celebration of the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah was discussed at the highest diplomatic level. Therefore, if there are those who wish to violate the agreements and conduct mass pilgrimages, then the Ministry of Internal Affairs has enough forces and means to settle the disregard for public interests.

“We understand all the risks related to the celebration of the Jewish New Year in Uman. According to various estimates, about 25-50,000 people came to the pilgrimage at that time. Unfortunately, we cannot allow it now. Therefore, technical restrictions will be introduced and there will be no celebration, as it was in the form of recent years,” the official said.

The Interior Minister noted that "the diplomats held talks with the countries from which most of the pilgrims arrived". He recalled that “this year we also had to cancel the cross processions of the Orthodox Churches” and expressed the hope that the believers will understand the law enforcers.

At the same time, the minister warned that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will find “mechanisms to regulate this process for those who do not take into account the public interest. We are strong enough for this,” stressed Arsen Avakov.

As reported earlier, this year the Cabinet of Ministers will restrict Hasidim visiting Uman during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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