Yan Taksiur taken to the Russian Federation on an exchange

Yan Taksiur. Photo: screenshot of the video of the Pershy Kozatsky YouTube channel

Orthodox writer and publicist Yan Taksiur was taken to Russia on an exchange.

This happened the next day after he was delivered a verdict under the article "Treason" and sentenced to 12 years in prison by the Shevchenko Court of Kyiv.

The fact that Taksiur is in the Russian Federation is reported by the Pershy Kozatsky Telegram channel with reference to the writer’s relatives.

As the UOJ reported, on March 10, 2022, Yan Taksiur was detained by the SBU. For a long time he was in a pre-trial detention center, unable to receive legal and medical assistance. Yan Taksiur's daughter turned to the President with a request to save her father. After the first court hearings, Mariko stated that her father's case was "hastily concocted, with many blunders," and he was "tried for dissent." The sick writer was denied transfer to house arrest, but was later released on bail of UAH 1.2 million. In September 2022, he underwent surgery due to cancer.

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