Reserve announces pagan exhibition in Lavra's Dormition Church

Pagan idols from the times of Tripoli culture. Photo:

On May 26, the National Reserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" will hold an exhibition of Tripoli culture "Roots of the unconquered – Trypillia" in the exhibition hall of the Dormition Cathedral.

The announcement says that "in the exposition space of our exhibition visitors will get acquainted with elements of traditional Tripoli everyday life, material and non-material culture of Trypillia".

The core of the exposition consists of items from the collection of the first museum of reconstructions 'Dyvosvit Trypillia' founded by Liudmyla Smoliakova, a folk ceramics master, who has created over 3 000 Trypillian sculptures over the last 20 years.

As reported, Culture Minister Tkachenko said that the Lavra caves should become a museum site like in Europe.

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