Organizer of provocations at Lavra accused of drug-related traffic accident

Yaryna Aryeva in a sacrilegious performance under the Lavra. Photo: UOJ

Yaryna Aryeva, who is one of the organizers of protests near the Lavra, a deputy of the Kyiv City Council from "European Solidarity," and an MP’s daughter, has been notified of a suspicion of causing a severe traffic accident while under the influence of drugs, reports "Ukrainska Pravda" referring to the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office and a source from the law enforcement agencies.

The incident occurred on November 22, 2022, but the results of the drug examination have become known only recently. According to the source, Artyeva hit a woman at a pedestrian crossing, resulting in serious injuries, including clavicle and jaw fractures with traumatic tooth extraction, limb fractures, closed cranial brain injury, and other damages.

Yarina Aryeva has been frequently seen at the protests near the Lavra. She administered social media groups where activists coordinated their activities against the UOC. With her assistance, the "European Solidarity" office opposite the Lavra became an unofficial headquarters for activists, where they stored equipment, rested, and communicated.

On May 18, 2023, Aryeva took part in a sacrilegious ceremony for the "burial of the UOC-MP".

Aryeva herself accused the UOC in her Facebook post regarding the conclusions of the drug examination: "For the past two months, I have been actively participating in actions against the UOC near the Lavra. The hierarchs of the Moscow Patriarchate have a significant influence on law enforcement agencies, and this is clearly a planned discredit."

Earlier, the UOJ presented the material proving that the protests near the Lavra were coordinated by Poroshenko party members.

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