Greeks reveal inconsistency of new OCU Statute with Tomos provisions

The Tomos of the OCU. Photo: Romfea

On the Greek resource "Romfea", the newly released Statute of the OCU is analysed and discrepancies with the Tomos provisions are revealed.

The resource pointed out the "aggressiveness of the new Statute towards competitors".

In Par. 1.4, it is stated that the presence on the territory of Ukraine of "ecclesiastical provinces, holy monasteries and communities" of the Moscow Patriarchate (i.e. the body of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church) "constitutes a violation of the principles of canon law and a distortion that requires correction". The authors also draw attention to the fact that Dumenko refuses to engage in dialogue with the UOC and demands "complete unity of all Orthodox Ukraine under the omophorion of Metropolitan Epiphanius" in an ultimatum-like manner.

"Under the conditions of the persecutions, which the Ukrainian state almost declared against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the text is judged as an ultimatum to all Orthodox Christians of Ukraine with the dilemma to join the OCU," the authors note. "Essentially, the Church of Metropolitan Epiphanius claims all Orthodox monasteries and parishes…."

The resource also points out that "in the new ‘Statute’ the mutual relationship with the Ecumenical Throne is reflected much more simply, while certain privileges of the Ecumenical Patriarchate concerning cooperation are ignored".

This refers to the absence of references to appeals to Constantinople for the resolution of legal disputes, the rights of the Phanar over all foreign parishes of the OCU, the lack of mandatory approval for new saints, and other issues.

The authors state that the wording of the new Statute contradicts the Tomos of autocephaly, which has the "highest authority" for the OCU.

The UOJ authors wrote an article titled "Against the Tomos and the Phanar: What will be discussed at the 'Council' of the OCU," analyzing the provisions of the new OCU Statute and examining the potential threats it poses to the UOC.

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