Metropolitan Longin tells the suspicion presentation details

Metropolitan Longin, Rector of the Ascension Bancheny Monastery. Photo: Screenshot of the YouTube channel of the Bancheny Monastery

Metropolitan Longin, abbot of the Ascension Bancheny Monastery, was declared suspect during an interrogation by the police. The UOJ was told about this by a source close to the bishop.

According to him, the security forces planned to send a petition to the court today to select a measure of restraint for the hierarch, but they did not do this because of "the reaction of the believers who had gathered near the Police Department."

The source also said that SBU officers had visited the people who wrote on social networks about plans to support Metropolitan Longin in prayer standing, threatening them with criminal cases.

“The SBU came to the people, from house to house, who wrote on social networks that they would be at prayer standing in support of Metropolitan Longin. They were threatened with subpoenas and criminal cases against them,” he said.

At the same time, he noted that the security forces behaved "very calmly and well" during the presentation of suspicion to Metropolitan Longin.

“Of course, people resent the whole situation. They know our Vladyka. It's not the first time he has been preaching. He did it under every government, and everyone always understood him, but today we have what we have. And even if you listen to that sermon, there is no incitement of inter-religious hatred in it,” the source added.

According to the UOJ, Metropolitan Longin is "credited" with inciting inter-religious hatred because of the sermon dated December 5, 2022. In this sermon, the bishop stated that "the Church of Christ cannot be overcome by the forces of hell, and the UOC will always remain with the Ukrainian people."

As reported by the UOJ, law enforcers declared suspicion to Metropolitan Longin of Bancheny.

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