Odessa Eparchy organizes flash mob in support of Maxim Tkachuk

Maxim Tkachuk. Photo: a screenshot / video / YouTube channel of the Odessa Eparchy of the UOC

The Odessa Eparchy of the UOC organized a flash mob in support of Maksim Tkachuk, a talented 12-year-old orphan boy from Volyn, whose application for participation in the national selection of the Eurovision-2020 children's song contest was canceled by the National Public TV and Radio Company of Ukraine (NOTU) yesterday.

The eparchy posted on its YouTube channel and Facebook page the song that Maxim recorded for the competition and asks social media users to support it.

"Friends! Let's show our voice for Maxim Tkachuk with likes and raise this song to the top! We are posting here the song "Jamaica", which was sung by Maxim Tkachuk for the National selection for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020, but which, for political reasons, was removed by the leadership of the NOTU," reads the message of the Odessa Eparchy of the UOC.

As reported earlier, the NOTU did not allow 12-year-old Maxim Tkachuk to participate in the national selection of the Eurovision-2020 children's song contest, referring to a breach of one of the points of the Regulations on the national selection (participation in any events “organized by state bodies, institutions, economic entities, etc. of the aggressor country <...> after 15.03.2014 "). In the spring of this year, Maxim sang the song "Smuglyanka" at a competition in London dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in World War II, after which the child was subjected to real persecution on social networks.

The Odessa Eparchy of the UOC supported Maxim, and after the NOTU’s ruling they decided to “fight for him to the end” to make the talented orphan child a “world-famous singer”.

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