Social media: Ternopil Uniates refuse to bury a man due to his “debt”

Ternopil Uniates refused to perform a funeral service for the deceased because of his "debt". Photo:

Natalia Dereviana, a resident of the village of Grabovets in the Ternopil region, published a post on social networks in which she said that the cleric of the UGCC from the church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God demanded to pay "debts" for monthly payments to the church before he agreed to perform a funeral service for the deceased. The post was published in the Facebook group of Velikogayevskaya OTG.

Natalia posted a document with the seal of the church parish, which indicates that her deceased relative currently has a "debt" of UAH 550 as the fees for the repair of the church and monthly fees.

Therefore, she writes, they demanded that she first pay "debts" and only then ask the cleric to perform the burial service for the deceased.

"Dear people! Please tell me, in what other villages there is such a 'tradition' that when you need to bury a person, you first have to go not to the priest but to the church cashier in order to settle the person's earthly ‘debts’ and ‘debts’ of his family. I understand that maybe I am writing off-topic, but I came across this situation myself and just wonder in what other villages, besides Grabovets, there are still such 'collectors'?"

As the UOJ reported, earlier the UGCC in Sokal opened a shop of funeral services for the money of parishioners.

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