Kyiv Theological Schools release video series refuting myths about UOC

Kyiv Theological Schools have refuted the myths about the UOC. Photo: screenshot of the video on the KDAiS YouTube channel

With the blessing of the rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary, Archbishop Sylvester of Bilohorodka, the Kyiv Theological Schools have prepared and released a series of videos refuting common myths about the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This was reported by the KDAiS press service.

The leader of the project is Archimandrite Mitrofan (Bozhko), Academic Secretary of Theological Schools. His story is accompanied by subtitles in English.

The series consists of 12 videos debunking the following untrue stereotypes about the UOC:

“The UOC has nothing to do with the Kyiv Metropolis of the times of St. Volodymyr the Great"

“Ukrainian Orthodox Church is spreading Russian narratives”

“The Kyiv metropolitans illegally transferred the See to Moscow”

“The UOC was supposed to come into subordination to Constantinople in 2018”

“The UOC backslid into schism because it broke away from Filaret in 1992”

"The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is a 'KGB church'"

“The Ukrainian Orthodox Church transfers money to Russia”

“The UOC is not independent because it is not autocephalous and has no Tomos”

"Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra is a pro-Russian environment"

“The transition from the UOC to the OCU is just a change of jurisdiction”

“The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is a ‘collaborator church’”

"The UOC is the 'Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine'"


As the UOJ reported, the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary released a video, in which they analyzed the "religious expertise" of the UOC Statute, organized by the State Ethnic Policy.

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