Network reminds about OCU "hierarch" with Russian passport

Kliment Kushch. Photo: screenshot/video/YouTube/Pavlovsky News

In connection with the information attack on the UOC, the Network reminded of the “Metropolitan” of the OCU Kliment Kushch, who said that he was a citizen of Ukraine with a Russian passport. An excerpt from the program with the participation of the head of the Crimean diocese of the OCU, Kliment Kushch, was published on her telegram channel by human rights activist Viktoria Kokhanovska.

In an interview with Saken Aimurzaev, he commented on the photographs of his Russian passport and said that he needed a Russian passport in order to keep personal and church property in Crimea.

Publishing this passage, Kokhanovska was indignant that there were no investigations of journalists, no accusations, no searches by the SBU on the fact that the head of the Crimean diocese of the OCU received the Russian passport.

“How much dirt and fakes poured out on the heads of the UOC hierarchs ... Litigations were started against them. Their citizenship was taken away from them, contrary to the Constitution. Yet, no one has provided any evidence they have Russian passports. They themselves had to refute this lie. However, Kliment Kushch calmly, on camera, talks about his Russian passport. What’s with the face of the OCU?!” the human rights activist exclaims.

As the UOJ reported, earlier the “hierarch” of the OCU with a Russian passport was surprised why everyone was talking about “this piece of paper”. Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation was a necessary measure and “is not a criminal offense” in Ukraine, Kushch noted.

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