UOC comments on attack on the priest's house in Zolochiv

In Zolochiv, masked activists smashed the fence of the priest's house of the UOC. Photo: facebook.com/mykola.danylevychсвященника УПЦ. Фото: facebook.com/mykola.danylevych

On August 6, 2020, the deputy head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich, commented on Facebook on the destruction by masked activists of the fence of the UOC priest’s house in Zolochiv. 

He noted that in the south of Ukraine, the UGCC does not interfere with the construction of its churches, while in the Lviv region inter-faith conflicts are constantly provoked against the UOC.

“Greek Catholics are quietly building churches in the south of Ukraine (the village of Zatoka, the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district, the Odessa region), and none of the Orthodox or local authorities are throwing hysterics, as was recently the case in Zolochiv (Lviv region), where exactly the Greek Catholic fathers raised the whole town against the UOC community. That is, Orthodox Christians cannot even exist in Zolochiv, while Greek Catholics can build in Zatoka. These are our regional realities,” wrote Fr. Nikolai.

As reported, on August 6, 2020, masked activists destroyed the fence of the private house of the UOC cleric, Priest Maxim Yoenko, whom the representatives of the UGCC and local authorities unfoundedly accused of illegally building a church in the yard.

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