ROC: BLM discredited itself by burning Bibles

Head of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and Mass Media Vladimir Legoyda. Photo:

The “Black Lives Matter’ movement in support of the fight against racism has discredited itself by burning Bibles, said Vladimir Legoyda, head of the Moscow Patriarchate's Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and Mass Media, reports RIA “Novosti”.

“Insulting the religious feelings of the majority of the population of the country (about 70% of Christians), allegedly in the name of fighting racism, looks very unconvincing and, first of all, discredits the movement itself,” says Vladimir Legoyda.

According to him, when supporters of the “Black Lives Matter movement conduct peaceful protests against racism in the United States, "there is probably a ground for dialogue".

“But when the main mode of action of the protesters becomes violence, robbery and destruction of cultural and religious symbols that are unpleasant to them, they lose any moral right to speak out against injustice,” the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church concluded.

As reported earlier, in the United States, BLM activists burned dozens of Bibles.


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