Near Kyiv, nationalists utter a "battle prayer" for success in the war

Near Kyiv, the nationalists uttered a "battle prayer" for success in the war. Photo:

On August 2, 2020, near Kyiv, Ukrainian nationalists presented a new organization "Centuria", one of the movement's activists, Vladislav Dulapchiy, said on Facebook.

“Last night, near Kyiv, a forum of Ukrainian nationalists took place, presenting a new organization – Centuria. All or nothing, make or mar – the organization's motto refers to the history of Rome and the foundation of European Civilization, guarding order against chaos, solidarity against disunity, and patriarchal values of brotherhood against a feminine and submissive crowd,” writes Dulapchiy.

During the presentation, members of the organization, dressed in costumes of Roman legionaries and special masks that hide their faces, fired into the air and held a "battle prayer".

The main idea of the formation, according to the nationalists, consists in the preparation for the "liberation war".

As reported by the UOJ, earlier the MPs from the ES faction rendered a song about forest devils, Satan and Lucifer.

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