Vinnytsia official is personally involved in a church raid in vlg Ulaniv

Head of the Ulaniv UTC Oleksandr Hotsuliak. Photo: UTC Facebook page

In the Khmelnytsky district of the Vinnytsia region, the chairman of the Ulaniv UTC Oleksandr Hotsuliak personally participates in the raider seizure of the temple. This is reported by the Telegram channel of the Vinnytsia eparchy.

Hotsuliak gathers state employees forcibly to participate in the UTC meeting, at which he plans to transfer the UOC community to the structure of Dumenko. The announcement of the upcoming meeting was posted on the website of the Ulaniv UTC.

To ensure the attendance of teachers and other representatives of the public sector, Hotsuliak gave the command to shorten the lessons and finish the educational process an hour earlier.

As reported in the Vinnytsia eparchy, the parishioners of the temple in Ulaniv, headed by their rector priest, have already held a meeting of the religious community and bespoken their allegiance to the UOC.

“Such a mass meeting, which was organized by the chairman of the Ulaniv UTC, is prohibited during martial law. The religious community filed a corresponding application to law enforcement agencies about this offence. The involvement of state employees in crime is particularly cynical. All this lawlessness and incitement of hatred takes place during the war,” the message says.

The temple in Ulaniv is not the only target for Hotsuliak. An announcement was also posted on the UTC website that on May 24 a similar meeting would be held in the village of Rybchyntsi.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the Khmelnytsky diocese commented on the “transition” of the Zynkiv community to the OCU.

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