NASU academician: Tomos is a subversion against our country

NASU Academician Pyotr Tolochko. Photo: a video screenshot from the UOC YouTube channel

The granting of the Tomos to the OCU is a subversion against Ukraine, stressed the historian, NASU Academician, member of the Academy of Europe and the International Union of Slavic Archeology Pyotr Tolochko. On the YouTube channel of the UOC, he recalled the history of the Christianization of Rus’ and Ukrainian Orthodoxy-Constantinople ties, and also commented on the actions of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople towards our country.

“It seems to me that this ‘breakaway’, ‘Tomos breakaway’ is such a subversion against Ukraine. It shouldn’t have been done. I think that maybe in 100 years this event will be assessed in the same way,” said the NASU academician. “It's a pity that Poroshenko (former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko – Ed.) will not have an opportunity to repent by that time. Both Poroshenko and Filaret (head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko – Ed.).”

He also drew public attention to the fact that the events around Hagia Sophia in Istanbul showed the lack of power of the Phanar’s head. Tolochko noted that the Ukrainian parishes expanded not much the sphere of influence of Patriarch Bartholomew.

According to the scientist, a "Tomos venture" is unnatural.

“Such arbitrariness that occurred not long ago under Bartholomew has never happened. Bartholomew trampled on all canonical norms, all historical memory <...>. You cannot destroy what comes from the depths of the centuries,” Tolochko stressed.

Believers akin to the distant past of Ukrainian Orthodoxy suffered because of the Tomos, he added.

Earlier, the head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko said that his religious organization intends to ask for a new Tomos.

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