Ombudsman: Sex education should become part of education in Ukraine

Sexual education in schools. Photo:

The educational ombudsman of Ukraine Serhiy Horbachev said that sex education and sex education should be part of the educational programme in Ukraine, reports

"Sex education should be a compulsory subject, because the level of ignorance in these matters is very big risks for the future fate of the young generation. They must respect a person's right to choose, to respect their personality and body. These topics have to be very carefully worked out. It should be mandatory," commented Serhiy Horbachev.

A petition to introduce a course of sex education in schools has already gained the necessary number of votes. In April, Volodymyr Zelensky appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers with a request to work on this issue.

"When people oppose sex education, it seems as if they are broadcasting the Soviet narrative 'there is no sex in the USSR'. Although it is a part of every person's life," Horbachev added.

According to him, "it is necessary to train specialists who understand this topic." He is also convinced that such education will help prevent sexual violence and the spread of diseases.

As previously reported by the UOJ, Zelensky will consider a petition on compulsory sex education in schools.

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