Phanar Archimandrite caught stealing a watch from an antique shop

"Great Archimandrite" Agafangelos Siskos. Photo:

On April 17, 2023, the Turkish authorities arrested Agafangelos Siskos, Archimandrite of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, for stealing a watch from an antique shop, writes Εθνικού Κήρυκα.

In a video leaked online, Phanar Archimandrite Agafangelos Siskos is stealing a valuable collectible pocket watch made in 1800 in an antique shop. Today, its cost is estimated at 500,000 Turkish liras, or almost 24,000 euros.

Agafangelos ended up in prison, from which he was released thanks to the intervention of the representative of the guard (Αστυνομικής φρουράς – Ed.) from Patriarch Bartholomew.

The patriarch sent his archimandrite to "an indefinite ban from priesthood". Sources inside the Phanar said that Bartholomew is "terribly concerned and saddened by this incident, as the Patriarchate is under heavy criticism due to the extensive coverage in the Turkish press and on the Internet."

The shop owner, in statements to the media, said she was "very sorry because the perpetrator is a member of the Patriarchal Court and should have thought about the institution he represents."

In a conversation with journalists, Archimandrite Agafangelos refused to comment on the incident with his participation, referring to the fact that he was forbidden to do so by the Phanar press service.

Nor did he answer the question why Patriarch Bartholomew sent him to “an indefinite ban from priesthood”: “This is a theological question that the patriarch himself knows, and now what can I tell you?” the archimandrite said.

Archimandrite Agafangelos Siskos was originally from Kastoria and came to Phanar as a layman, where he was ordained a deacon and presbyter. Later, he became the archivist of Patriarch Bartholomew, and in 2021 he received the title of "Great Archimandrite" (Μέγα Αρχιμανδρίτη – Ed.).

Μέγα Αρχιμανδρίτη is a title held by only one person in the entire Patriarchate of Constantinople. In a way, this is the top official of the Phanar.

Patriarch Bartholomew, while conferring the title of "Great Archimandrite" to Agafangel Siskos, stated that he "will respect and fully observe the order and charter of the Great Church."

“You will practically and daily teach this to your younger brothers, all their beloved children about the Lord, and then others, and thus tradition, order, decency, simplicity and piety will continue uninterrupted,” said the head of the Phanar to Siskos.

In conclusion, Bartholomew noted that “the most important thing is to be real Phanariots, committed to Phanar and what it means, embodies, expresses, preaches and proclaims – that high and holy worthy of dedicating your whole life to it.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the “OCU abbot of the Lavra” was convicted of fraud.

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